Modernizing Astra Life’s Insurance Website

Astra Life

Scope of Work

UI/UX Design
Marketing Website

Life insurance is really important. But here's the thing:
in Indonesia, only about 28 million people, which is around 10% of the whole population, have life insurance, according to the Indonesian Life Insurance Association.

Astra Life, a prominent insurance service provider in Indonesia, is on a mission to make getting insurance easier for everyone. They also want to educate and help people understand insurance better, and one of the ways they do this is by utilizing their website ( as a key channel. This platform is designed to streamline the exploration and direct purchase of insurance products.

However, the website hasn't been updated for quite some time, making a portion of the content outdated. Visually, it still carries an outdated and non-modern impression, failing to reflect the contemporary and fresh image that Astra Life aims to project.

Moreover, the problem with the visual aspect goes beyond the surface, as it not only affects on an emotional level but also conveys trust and impacts functionality. In the case of a complex product like insurance, clear communication is crucial because customers seek detailed information before making decisions. Having a good design makes it easier for people to get the information they need.

Confronted with this fact, Astra Life realized there's work to be done. They approached us at Natuno for a thorough website audit and a strategic website overhaul.

A guiding question for us: How can we shape this website into an all-in-one platform, ensuring it's simple for people to access information about insurance and enabling more confidence for people in making insurance purchases?

The Objective

The audit focused on the existing user journey, such as in the product category navigation and purchasing flow. Our mission was to figure out what's working, what's not, how it compares to competitors, and finally, how we could improve it.

Armed with this insight, we then set out to revamp the website. We designed a modern look for the site that aligns with Astra Life's current brand guidelines.

Our goal was to guide users through the tricky parts of insurance without any confusion. Knowing that not everyone is familiar with insurance, we aimed to provide them with clear and friendly information.

Finally, our main objective in relation to the business goal was to boost the customer completion rate in insurance browsing and purchasing flow by 10%.

Research Phase

In this phase, we conducted interviews with five customers to understand their experiences and behaviors with insurance. We also audited the current, covering aspects from the homepage and education pages to product pages and the purchasing page. Additionally, we analyzed competitor websites and held a collaborative design workshop with Astra Life stakeholders.

A collaborative workshop with client stakeholders helped us all get on the same page, making sure we understood and included what Astra Life wants in the final product.

Design Phase

Using the research insights, we moved on to the design phase, creating wireframes and prototypes to shape the flow, layout, and features of the website.

We proceeded to develop high-fidelity designs, providing detailed and polished visual elements for the website, along with creating new icon assets.

The Results


Before vs After the Redesign

One of the business goals that Astra aimed to achieve is to improve the discoverability of its varying product categories. Hence, we improved the homepage by replacing the single-product display of the previous selector with category cards. Now, customers can instantly view all available product types.

Then, Astra's other objective was to encourage users from various backgrounds to explore and find the suitable insurance product for them. With this goal in mind, providing them with educational content was necessary.

In this revamp, what we did was replace the insurance education content from the previous homepage with cards and CTAs, directing users to a dedicated education page. Our research revealed that placing the education content directly on the homepage, targeting a specific group, made others feel it wasn't for them, discouraging further exploration.

Product Page

To facilitate customers in finding information about each insurance type, each type is separated into different pages, such as Flexi Life, Flexi Health, and Flexi Life Syariah.

Unlike before when the benefits only appeared in the FAQ section, we now also place them at the top of each page, highlighting the benefits of the chosen insurance
for customers.

Another element we place at the top is the "Insurance Exclusions" section, focusing on what is not covered by this insurance type, ensuring clarity from the outset.

Then towards the end of the product page, we've also added recommendations for other products to help users explore different types of insurance available.

Purchasing Flow

When customers decide to purchase an insurance product, they must respond to a series of questions designed to identify their needs.

We reorganized the structure and layout of these questions to make it easier for them to complete, avoiding a heavy feel in the previous centered version. By aligning it to the left, we aimed  to reduce the churn rate or the likelihood of customers discontinuing the process.